GME's approach is rooted in the concept of an engineering hub: a dedicated space where projects of all sizes and complexities come to life. We are a meeting point for professionals from diverse backgrounds, each contributing their expertise to craft solutions tailored to each project's unique requirements. By choosing GME, you're not just hiring a service; you're accessing a collaborative ecosystem designed to deliver excellence!

Our streamlined process ensures you get the best engineering talent tailored to your project needs with full control, transparency, and flexibility.


You specify the job description and desired candidate profile, whether for a single specialist or an entire team. Based on your requirements, we rapidly match you with the right engineer, providing CVs of suitable candidates from our HUB.
You have the complete freedom to select who you want to interview, maintaining full control over the process. Once candidates are picked, we arrange interviews, allowing you to directly assess if they align with your project and team dynamics.


You specify the job description and desired candidate profile, whether for a single specialist or an entire team. Based on your requirements, we rapidly match you with the right engineer, providing CVs of suitable candidates from our HUB.
You have the complete freedom to select who you want to interview, maintaining full control over the process. Once candidates are picked, we arrange interviews, allowing you to directly assess if they align with your project and team dynamics.


Receive detailed invoices and reports at each month's end, ensuring you’re informed every step of the way.
We handle all administrative details, from salaries and leave requests to providing technical equipment, allowing you to focus on your project priorities.
Our model guarantees the right expertise at the right time, without the hassles of long-term commitments or employment logistics.

When to hire us?

  • During peak seasons or periods of high demand
  • When your project requires niche expertise that your current team lacks
  • When your project unexpectedly expands, and you need to quickly scale up your team to meet new demands
  • If you're facing temporary staff shortages due to unexpected leaves or departures
  • When embarking on extensive, ongoing projects that require sustained engineering support over months or years
  • To cover parental leaves
  • For strategic expansion or diversification into new markets or technologies

Let's Build the Future Together!

Have a project in mind?

Reach out to GME, your engineering hub, where we turn innovative ideas into successful realities.

Contact Us

Romania, Bucharest, 1st District, 253-259, Odaii Road


Romania, Bucharest, 1st District
253-259 Odaii Road